The #SMSBearHugandBeHugged fundraising and awareness campaign has been launched by the SMS Foundation this weekend, on the fundraising website ‘Support My Smile‘.
The campaign will feature a range of family-friendly activities and fundraising events over the coming months, all themed around ‘teddy bears’. The campaign starts on the weekend 2nd and 3rd May with the event ‘Teddies to the Rescue’, which came as a result of a planned SMS family boat trip which had to be postponed until later in the year due to the coronavirus epidemic.

Build your boat, rescue your bear, give them a big hug.
‘Teddies to the Rescue’ is designed to be a ‘stay-at-home, stay-safe’ event, that everyone can participate in. Families are encouraged to build their own boat using cardboard, scrap modelling and recycling, sheets, pillows or everyday objects found around the house. During the event, participants rescue their own teddy bear, take a photo, and share their adventure through our Facebook page (photos can also be emailed to us at A prize will be awarded for the best SMS hug photo (UK families only), which will help with the next stage of the adventure.
Further downloadable activities will also be available leading up to the weekend to help drive enthusiasm and keep our families busy during lockdown.
SMS Concert
‘Teddies to the Rescue’ concludes on Sunday 3rd May at 4 pm with an online concert, featuring SMS Foundation ambassador Ciara Harvie.
The concert will be a Facebook live broadcast through Ciara’s Facebook page and will feature songs including ‘O mio babbino caro’ and ‘What a wonderful world‘ which Ciara recorded for the SMS Foundation in November 2019 to raise awareness for our international awareness day.
Further exciting ‘bear’ related activities, events and competitions will be announced over the coming weeks and months aimed to ‘connect families’ and ‘raise awareness’ whilst adhering to current lockdown rules.