Supporting families for nearly 30 years
Since 1992, the SMS Foundation UK has helped over 300 families who have been diagnosed with SMS. During COVID-19, demand for our services increased more than ever, and we provided over 265 hours of support and advice, an increase of 167%, and hosted 236 virtual support sessions.
This vital support is so important to our families, who turn to us for help.
Lockdown has come with its own pressures and the SMS Foundation has been brilliant in providing tailored advice for any behavioural changes and methods to help calm situations. Alongside the tricycle donation, they’ve truly been a saviour over the last few months!
Mum of nine year old boy with SMS
Meeting future demand
Since 2019, demand for our services has soared but COVID-19 has decimated our income and has left us unable to expand our services any further to meet the growing demand from SMS families. We want to be able to grow towards everyone with SMS having the chance of a fulfilling future. But we are now in a position of not being able to expand our work, as COVID-19 has left us with no funding to develop our vision for the future.
- We want to be able to bring families together.
- We want to make sure each family has a local network.
- We want to create education and awareness for schools.
- We want to make our website accessible for all.
- We want to sponsor research into SMS for the future.
But we can’t do any of these things as we are now running out of money, and we are facing the very real possibility of our services needing to be stripped back or put on hold while we recover financially.
We do not want to be in this position – we have created the Fulfilling Futures appeal to raise £50,000 to help us be here tomorrow and the next day. We want to be here to support all those living with SMS to have a fulfilling future. But we can’t do this without your help.

We need your help
We are making a desperate plea to you, our community, for donations towards the Fulfilling Futures appeal, to help us be here in the future for people living with SMS. There is so much we want to be able to do to support families now, and in the future – but without your donations, we simply won’t be able to do this.
PLEASE DONATE TODAY – We are completely reliant on voluntary donations and we simply won’t be able to do this without you.
£30 – Could help answer another urgent call to our helpline from a newly diagnosed family desperately seeking support from someone with lived experience of SMS.
£75 – Could help us provide local in-person support sessions to families in need of help navigating the challenges of raising a child with SMS.
£100 – Could help provide accessible online guides for SMS caregivers and professionals, giving access to vital information and support when this is needed.
£400 – Could help fund a specialist communications tablet matched to school equipment for a child with SMS enabling them to communicate and continue learning when at home.
£500 – Could help us to continue the sponsorship of research into the key symptoms of SMS, enabling us to move towards a better quality of life for those affected by SMS.
Here’s how you can support us today
Donate online at our SMS Fulfilling Futures JustGiving page
Text SMSFUTURE 5 to 70450 to donate £5
Text SMSFUTURE 10 to 70450 to donate £10
Text SMSFUTURE 20 to 70450 to donate £20

Or join our regular giving club, the SMS 1711 Circle, to give a small amount every month.