This week’s community Zoom drop-in chat is with Jayne Dainty of SOS Care Services.
Jayne will be sharing her insights into meeting the needs of those with SMS from a care provider’s perspective? Drop-in for Tea at Two (2 pm) and/or Whine with Wine at Nine (9 pm) on Thursday 14 January 2021.
Jayne and her team have provided our conference “Tinies” creche / SMS Hug for several years where over 60 individuals with Smith-Magenis Syndrome are present. Outside of the conference her team continues to provide care support and activities for children and adults with SMS across Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall, and Wolverhampton. Jayne and service manager Lucie will be coming along to give us an insight into meeting the needs of those with SMS from a care provider’s perspective and what has changed under COVID-19.
Open to anyone in our Smith-Magenis Syndrome Community. (Email us at for the passcode)
Based in Walsall, the SOS Care Services team has over 20 years’ experience in providing care and support for children, young people and adults with Learning Disabilities, Profound and Multiple complex needs. The friendly and expert team provide vital care, support and respite across Walsall and the West Midlands. As a local family business, emphasis is placed on the holistic practical and emotional support needs of the whole family.
All their services are tailored to the needs of the individual ensuring that they have the flexibility to adapt to the varying demands of the person they care for, supporting the individual with their independence and high quality of life.
Zoom Recording
About SOS Care Services
Jayne Dainty, Lucie Irving and their team understand the challenges faced by parents of a child or young person with behaviour that challenges, and/or disabilities. Helping Children to access activities and live independently, they help support to establish family routines, leisure activities, respite care and a healthy lifestyle. This expertise is core to successful implementation of Educational and Health Care Plans (EHCP), Home Care Plans and the transition through to adulthood.
As one SMS mum comments:
LOVE Jayne and her team! I have known Jayne for over 11 years, and she is just brilliant with children and adults with Smith-Magenis Syndrome. There aren’t many people I would trust to look after my daughter but have total faith with Jayne.”
Contact details for SOS Care Services Ltd
Lucie Irving, Manager, 01922 345918 / 07393 996689
Jayne Dainty, Company Owner, 07843 391751