Event – Teddy Bears’ Picnic 2021
Our teddy bears are having a picnic again this year. Following on from the success of last year’s online Teddy Bears’ Picnic we are hosting our virtual event over the bank holiday weekend of 1st & 2nd May 2021. An Easter card and invitation will be sent to every person in the UK with SMS on our mailing list.
The aim of the Teddy Bears’ Picnic is to bring our small community together. This year we would love our event to help connect and support more families within their own local regions. The Teddy Bear’s Picnic also provides us with the perfect opportunity to introduce our Regional Parent Supporters – our team of volunteers who bring a friendly face and understanding closer to home.
All links to zoom meetings will be shared on our Facebook and Twitter pages, and published (in this post) on our website ahead of the event. The links will also be forwarded by email to all registered members of the SMS Foundation.
Saturday 1st May 2021
All Day UK Regional Quiz – check for details on our website and social media throughout the day or join our drop-ins.
11 am – Elevenses
SMS Community Family Chat. Please feel free to join us from your home, or even garden, and share your own teddy bears’ picnic with us. What will your teddy be eating?
3 pm – Are You Free for Tea at Three?
SMS Community Family Chat. Connect with other families, and meet some of the Regional Parent Supporters. Find out who your regional parent supporter is.
6 pm – Early Evening Wind-Down
SMS Community Family Chat. Is your picnic still going on into the evening? Did you enjoy your picnic food? Did you manage to make the hugging teddy bear biscuits?
9 pm – SMS Chill Out Whine with Wine at Nine
Especially for all our Mums and Dads, as teddy bear has had a very busy day! We are also really excited to announce that Ann Smith will also be joining us for a glass of wine.
All Saturday Meeting(s) Zoom ID: 998 3993 0438 Passcode: 1711
Link to Zoom Meeting
Sunday 2nd May 2021
2 pm Magical Mayhem Zoom Show (capacity 100; first-come, first-served when link opens)
An amazing virtual magic show from our popular conference entertainer, Paul Brown. A fully engaged, interactive party, packed with all the fun of his very popular stage show. The great thing about this party is it brings the magic into the hands of the audience. You will really feel the magic come to life! Bring your card cut-outs with you.
Zoom ID: 998 3993 0438 Passcode: 1711
Link to Zoom Meeting
4 pm SMS UK Regional Scavenger Hunt
Hosted by Nick and Salli, we will be going round the UK for our scavenger hunt ideas that you should be able to find in your own home and garden. Keep your picnic box handy to pop the items in. Could this be some (Brighton) “Rock”, or a “flower” (from Chelsea), or something “Red” (Leicester cheese)? We will find out as the Hunts get started.
Zoom ID: 998 3993 0438 Passcode: 1711
Link to Zoom Meeting
7 pm Concert with Ciara “Songs Make Smiles”
Our very own charity ambassador Ciara Harvie joins us on Facebook Live with a special SMS concert following her popular “Songs Makes Smiles” event from 2021. As a taste of what to expect, please have a listen to Ciara singing ‘What a Wonderful World’ on our awareness day video on YouTube
Live on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CiaraHarvieMusic
9 pm SMS Chill Out Whine with Wine at Nine
Finish off the weekend with a glass of wine and a chat with Ann Smith and others who just get what Smith-Magenis syndrome is about. We might not be at our conference hotel this year, but that should not stop us meeting in our virtual bar or garden pub.
Zoom ID: 998 3993 0438 Passcode: 1711
Link to Zoom Meeting
We are looking forward to seeing our families come together for this special Teddy Bears’ Picnic weekend. Don’t forget to share your photos with us on social media using the hashtag #SMSBearHugandBeHugged.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SmithMagenisUK
Twitter: www.twitter/SmithMagenisUK @SmithMagenisUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smithmagenisuk/
We have been able to provide The SMS Teddy Bears’ Picnic 2021 through the support of Foundation Scotland and the Pears Foundation.