It’s something we always say is an endearing quality in SMS, but there is virtually nothing in research to support what we know.

What are the affectionate behaviours exhibited by children and adults with Smith-Magenis Syndrome? It has been suggested that individuals with Smith-Magenis Syndrome can be overly affectionate towards other people.
Natasha Craven, MSc Psychology, University of Chester is undertaking a study that will enable us to gain a better understanding of these behaviours and their potential implications.
Natasha is seeking parents willing to be interviewed via video call on these affectionate behaviours in SMS. Interviews are likely to last 30-40 minutes and she is hoping to recruit around 15 parents.
Please consider signing up for this study if you are a mother, father, or stepparent of an individual with SMS in the UK by emailing Natasha at
This is Natasha’s dissertation project for her post-graduate course at the University of Chester and is separate to her role as Research and Admin Assistant for the Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) Foundation UK