Can you make your New Year’s resolution about raising awareness of Smith-Magenis Syndrome and supporting our conference?
The SMS Foundation UK is in the process of planning our 2022 conference and we are seeking corporate donations and sponsorship to support the delivery of this event. We would like you, our community members, to please reach out to your employers to introduce the SMS Foundation UK and ask your corporate social responsibility teams to consider supporting us with a financial contribution, a commercial sponsorship opportunity, or a gift in kind request.

Your support provides a family living with SMS the information, support, and resources they desperately need…
“We can’t wait until we are back together with our SMS family at the next conference. We learn so much from the presenters. And the social side, fantastic! Great to be able to relax with others who just get it where Smith-Magenis Syndrome is concerned”
SMS Parent Feedback on the Biennial Conference
We would be so delighted if you could help us with this and allow us to reach as many local and national organisations as possible, enabling us to deliver a meaningful and impactful conference for SMS families in 2022.
It couldn’t be easier! How you can support our conference in one easy step…
Simply download the attached template email/letter and send to your employers on behalf of the SMS Foundation UK, where you have the opportunity to tell them a little more about your connection to the Foundation and our request for support.
Thank you for your help – we really appreciate it!
Please reach out to Helen on Helen@smith-magenis.co.uk with any questions – and thank you!